SPEC 42345

Thermocouple Wire PVC Insulation & Jacket

221°F 105°C Continuous



  1. Conductor:Thermocouple wire per ANSI MC 96.1 & ASTM E230 (Solid or stranded available)
  2. Insulation:Extruded PVC
  3. Overall Jacket:Extruded PVC

Applications and Features:

Widely used in all industry for extension grade applications and temperature sensors. Good flame retardance and chemical resistance. Good resistance to acids, moisture and abrasion. Excellent flexibility.

Stainless Steel, Inconel metal, or Tin Plated Copper overbraid is available on request. Type Ex, Jx, Kx, Tx and other Types available on request. Available with PLTC rating in single pair and multi pair constructions


  • ASTM E230 Temperature-Electromotive Force (emf) Tables for Standardized Thermocouples
  • ANSI MC 96.1 Temperature Measurement Thermocouples
  • Table 1 – Weights and Measurements
    Stock NumberCond. SizeCond. NumberInsul. ThicknessJacket ThicknessApprox. ODApprox. WeightTemp. RatingStandard (UL or other)
    C4V_0024215150.080 x 0.1307105Type Ex, Jx, Kx, Tx
    All dimensions are nominal and subject to normal manufacturing tolerances
    ◊ Cable marked with this symbol is a standard stock item
    0=Type Ex // 1=Type Jx // 2=Type Kx // 3=Type Tx
    Conductor insulation and overall jacket are color coded per ANSI MC 96.1 and ASTM E230.
    International color codes available on request.
    Available in standard and special limits of error per ANSI MC 96.1, ASTM E230 and IEC 584.
    TBA stock codes are estimations only and actual product may vary. Please wait until a stock code is assigned to purchase connectors and/or fittings.
    Table 2 – Weights and Measurements (Metric)
    Stock NumberCond. SizeCond. NumberInsul. ThicknessJacket ThicknessApprox. ODApprox. WeightTemp. RatingStandard (UL or other)
    C4V_002420.380.382.03 x 3.3010105Type Ex, Jx, Kx, Tx

    Revision: 1.000.001

    Updated On: Dec. 31, 2024, 11:07 p.m. UTC