SPEC 46102

CU Compressed 5/8kV NLEPR Insulation 133/100% IL SIM-PVC Jacket. MV 105 - Tray Rated - Sunlight Resistant - For Direct Burial

Type MV-105 Single Conductor Copper, 5kV 133% /8KV 100% 115 Mils No Lead Ethylene Propylene Rubber (NL-EPR) Insulation Level, Tape Shield, SIMpull Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Jacket, Dual Rated UL/CSA



  1. Conductor:Class B compressed stranded bare copper per ASTM B3 and ASTM B8. Tinned copper optional per ASTM B33
  2. Conductor Shield:Semi-conducting cross-linked copolymer
  3. Insulation:5kV 133% /8KV 100% Insulation Level 115 Mils No Lead Ethylene Propylene Rubber (NL-EPR)
  4. Insulation Shield:Strippable semi-conducting cross-linked copolymer
  5. Copper Tape Shield:Helically wrapped 5 mil copper tape with 25% overlap
  6. Overall Jacket:Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)

Applications and Features:

Southwire’s 5kV 133% /8KV 100% cables are suited for use in wet and dry areas, conduits, ducts, troughs, trays, direct burial when installed with a grounding conductor in close proximity that conforms to NEC section 311.36 and 250.4(A)(5), aerially supported by a messenger and where superior electrical properties are desired. These cables are capable of operating continuously at the conductor temperature not in excess of 105°C for normal operation, 140°C for emergency overload, and 250°C for short circuit conditions. Rated at -35°C for cold bend when UL listed. Rated at -25°C for cold bend and cold impact and marked with "LTDD" when CSA listed or dual UL/CSA listed. PVC jacket is made with SIM technology and has a coefficient of friction COF of 0.2. Cable can be installed in conduit without the aid of lubrication. Rated for 1000 lbs./FT maximum sidewall pressure. These cables feature sunlight and moisture resistance, exceptional corona resistance, resistance to most chemicals, oils and acids and are flame retardant.


  • ASTM B3 Soft or Annealed Copper Wire
  • ASTM B8 Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors
  • ASTM B33 Standard Specification for Tin-Coated Soft or Annealed Copper Wire
  • UL 1072 Medium-Voltage Power Cables
  • UL 1685 FT4 Vertical-Tray Fire Propagation and Smoke Release Test (1/0 and Larger)
  • CSA C22.2 No.230 Tray Cables - Rated TC-ER (1/0 AWG and Larger)
  • CSA C22.2 No. 2556 / UL 2556 Cable Test Methods
  • CSA C68.10 Shielded Power Cables for Commercial and Industrial Applications - 5 to 46 KV
  • ICEA S-93-639 (NEMA WC 74) 5-46 KV Shielded Power Cable
  • ICEA S-97-682 Standard for Shielded Utility Cable Rated for 5 - 46kV
  • IEEE 1202 FT4 Flame Test (70,000) BTU/hr Vertical Tray Test (1/0 and Larger)
  • AEIC CS-8 Specification for extruded dielectric shielded power cables rated for 5 through 46KV (Qualification Test Requirements)
  • Made in America: Compliant with both Buy American and Buy America Act (BAA) requirements per 49 U.S.C. § 5323(j) and the Federal Transit Administration Buy America requirements per 49 C.F.R. part 661
  • Sample Print Legend:

    SOUTHWIRE SIMpull® POWER CABLE {UL} XXX AWG CU 115 MILS NL-EPR 5KV 133%/8KV 100% INS LEVEL 25%TS MV-105 FOR CT USE SUN RES {NESC} -- {CSA} XXX AWG CU X.XXmm (115 mils) NL-EPR 5KV 133%/8KV 100% INS LEVEL 25%TS SR TC-ER 105°C FT4 -25°C LTDD {YYYY} -- PAT www.patentSW.com -- RoHS
    Table 1 – Weights and Measurements
    Stock NumberCond. SizeStrand CountDiameter Over ConductorDiameter Over InsulationDiameter Over Insulation ShieldJacket ThicknessApprox. ODCopper WeightApprox. WeightMax Pull TensionMin Bending RadiusConduit Size
    AWG/KcmilNo. of Strandsinchinchinchmilinchlb/1000ftlb/1000ftlbinchinch
    All dimensions are nominal and subject to normal manufacturing tolerances
    ◊ Cable marked with this symbol is a standard stock item
    * Conduit size based on 3 phase 40% fill-factor without ground
    TBA stock codes are estimations only and actual product may vary. Please wait until a stock code is assigned to purchase connectors and/or fittings.
    Table 2 – Electrical and Engineering Data
    Cond. SizeDC Resistance @ 25°CAC Resistance @ 90°CCapacitive Reactance @ 60HzInductive Reactance @ 60HzZero Sequence ImpedancePositive Sequence ImpedanceShield Short Circuit Current 6 CyclesAllowable Ampacity In Duct 90/105°CAllowable Ampacity In Air 90/105°C
    6000.0180.0260.0140.0330.464 + j0.4900.102 + j0.0413782505/544777/865
    * NEC ampacities are based on:
    * For Duct: Table 310.60(C)(11) Detail 1.
    * For Free Air: Table 310.60(C)(3).
    * Inductive impedance is based on non-ferrous conduit with one diameter spacing center-to-center.
    * Sequence Impedance values are based on Rho Earth Resistivity: 100 Ohm-Meter/1000ft, Spacing: one diameter spacing center-to-center..
    * Capacitive Reactance is between Phase-to-Shield.

    Revision: 1.000.002

    Updated On: Dec. 31, 2024, 11:08 p.m. UTC