SPEC 70250

600V STOOW Cord with Jacket 105°C. Silicone Free

600 Volt, 105°C Flexible Cord. Heat and Moisture PVC Insulation and Sunlight, Heat, Moisture, Oil Resistant, and Flexible PVC Jacket. Rated for Extra Hard-Usage Service Cords. Approved for Outdoor use. Rated UL VW-1 and CSA FT1, FT2 Flame Resistant.



  1. Conductor:Class K stranded bare copper per ASTM B3 and B174
  2. Insulation:Heat, moisture, and oil resistant resistant PVC (see Table 3 for insulation colors)
  3. Filler and Binder:Fillers as needed to make core round and binder as needed to keep core assembly round on certain constructions (see Table 3 for details)
  4. Jacket:Sunlight, heat, moisture, and oil resistant PVC (see Table 3 for jacket color)

Applications and Features:

Southwire Type STOOW Flexible Cords are permitted for use as specified by Article 400 and related articles of the 2020 National Electric Code. Some typical applications for Type STOOW include, but are not limited to: Washing Machines and other large appliances, heavy-duty tools, motors and temporary electrical power and lighting installations for construction sites.


  • ASTM B3 Soft or Annealed Copper Wire
  • ASTM B174 Standard Specification for Bunch-Stranded Copper
  • UL 62 Flexible Cords and Cables
  • CSA C22.2 No. 49 Flexible Cords and Cables
  • RoHS-3 Complies with European Directive 2015/863
  • Sample Print Legend:

    (UL) VW-1 STOOW X/C XX AWG (X.XXmm2) 105(D)C DRY 60(D)C WATER RESISTANT 600V (CSA) FT1,FT2 LL90458
    Table 1 – Weights and Measurements
    Stock NumberCond. SizeCond. NumberCond. StrandsInsul. ThicknessJacket ThicknessApprox. ODApprox. WeightAmpacityInsul. ColorJacket Color
    All dimensions are nominal and subject to normal manufacturing tolerances
    ◊ Cable marked with this symbol is a standard stock item
    * Ampacities are based on TABLE 400.5(A)(1) of the 2023 National Electrical Code and CEC Table 12.
    TBA stock codes are estimations only and actual product may vary. Please wait until a stock code is assigned to purchase connectors and/or fittings.
    Table 2 – Weights and Measurements (Metric)
    Stock NumberCond. SizeCond. NumberCond. StrandsInsul. ThicknessJacket ThicknessApprox. ODApprox. WeightAmpacity *Insul. ColorJacket Color
    * Ampacities are based on TABLE 400.5(A)(1) of the 2023 National Electrical Code and CEC Table 12.

    Table 3 - Filler, Binder, Insulation and Jacket Colors

    Stock NumberConductor SizeConductor NumberFillerBinderInsulation ColorsJacket Color
    588011163NoneWhite Tissue PaperBlack, White, GreenWhite
    652927163NoneWhite Tissue PaperBlack, White, Green-YellowBlack
    589056163NoneWhite Tissue PaperBlack, White, Green-YellowYellow
    2074008163PolypropyleneNoneBlack, White, RedBlack
    672344163PolypropyleneNoneBlack, White, GreenBlack
    560733164PaperWhite Tissue PaperBlack, White, Green, RedYellow
    587622165PolypropyleneWhite Tissue PaperBlack, White, Red, Orange, Green-YellowYellow
    588983166PolypropyleneWhite Tissue PaperBlack, White, Red, Green-Yellow, Orange, BlueYellow
    578058168PolypropyleneWhite Tissue PaperBlack, White, Brown, Pink, Blue, Yellow, Orange, RedYellow
    588986168PVCWhite Tissue PaperBlack, White, Red, Green-Yellow, Orange, Blue, White-Black, Red-BlackYellow
    20193021610PolypropyleneMylarBlack, White, Green-Yellow, Red, Orange-Black, Green-Black, Red-Black, White-Black, Blue, OrangeYellow
    20194021612PolypropyleneMylarBlack, White, Red, Green-Yellow, Black-White, Blue-Black, Orange-Black, Green-Black, Red-Black, White-Black, Blue, OrangeYellow
    2632908143PolypropyleneNoneBlack, White, Green-YellowBlack
    672538143PolypropyleneNoneBlack, White, GreenBlack
    560703143NoneWhite Tissue PaperBlack, White, GreenYellow
    593628143NoneWhite Tissue PaperBlack, Green, RedYellow
    578584143NoneWhite Tissue PaperBlack, White, GreenYellow
    672540123PolypropyleneNoneBlack, White, GreenBlack
    560708123NoneWhite Tissue PaperBlack, White, GreenYellow
    564743124PaperWhite Tissue PaperBlack, White, Red, GreenBlack
    677522103PolypropyleneWhite Tissue PaperBlack, Red, GreenBlack
    6062109104PolypropyleneMylarBlack, Black, Green-Yellow, BlackGray

    Revision: 1.000.004

    Updated On: Dec. 31, 2024, 11:08 p.m. UTC